Monday, November 12, 2007

Emerging Technologies

As time goes by technology advances more and more. As technology advances so does it’s use. It is being used everywhere in different ways. Technology has become a great help especially when it comes to the classroom and education.

There are many programs and technologies that have been created to help facilitate the process of education as well as teaching. The three technologies that I looked at were found on The apple website provided many different products for a large range of grade levels. This website also provided hyperlinks along with the products for in case anyone who was interested wanted to find out further information about the product.

The first program that I analyzed was Kid Pix Deluxe 3X by Software MacKiev. This software is made for elementary and middle school children. It helps reinforce creativity, spelling, word processing, keyboarding, inquiry and research, writing and organizational skills. This program allows for students to use technology to express themselves with drawings and the child is allowed to use mediums that look so real. It also allows for the student to animate.

The second technology that I looked it was the EarthBrowser by Lunar Software, Inc. This three-dimensional model of the earth allows students to learn about the earth. It gives students the opportunity to look at different things that occur on earth. For example, this product allows students to zoom in and out of earth because it uses satellite images. The student is able to explore clod animations, current weather conditions, volcano locations as well as earthquakes and storms to name a few.

The final product that I looked at was The Geometer’s Sketchpad 10-User Apple Mobile Lab Package by Key Curriculum Press. The Geometer’s Sketchpad software focuses on a variety of mathematical concepts. This software allows for a more hands on experience for students while investigating shapes as well as looking at the relationship and the consequences when they are manipulated. The Geometer’s Sketchpad can be used in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and calculus while illustrating shapes, figures, models, diagrams, and graphs.

These three emerging technologies are great supplements for teaching math, science and to enhance computer skills. I feel like these programs will allow for students to better understand the subjects that are being taught. These programs will definitely have a positive impact on any teaching that I may do while using these programs to reinforce what I teach.


Anonymous said...

Liz you touched on an interesting program the EarthBrowser, and this seems very similar to one of the emerging technologies that I researched so I can relate to it. It just blows me away that technology is becoming so advanced that there are 3-d replicas (of the earth as in your example) or possibly anything physical can be virtually created to represent an location, object, or system that students can explore without ever leaving the classroom. This epically has its advantages because there is so many subjects that student just learn about from books and lectures such as the solar system, storms, or even the human body that represent locations or systems that we have never before been able to actually explore sitting within the classroom. However, today with the way technology is advancing the locations that we have only once read out of textbook before, we can now take a virtual or 3-D tour such as exploring the ocean bottom, going through the digestive system, or climbing into a volcano. I feel that as a teacher I would love to use this type of technology if it is available in my school district because I believe that the student will get excited about these enhanced tools of teaching and technology and thus lead them to become more invested in the subjects begin taught and ultimately take greater responsibility and enjoyment in their learning processes.

Johanna Dommer said...

Ms. Madrigal,

I enjoyed reading about all the new technologies you encountered during this project. I liked how all of your sites were focused on the student and also seemed like they would excite and challenge the learner. Using site like these would be lots of fun in the classroom and also help the student interact with one another and open discussion. I liked that you included Geometer’s Sketchpad in your post because I am familiar with it. I had to use a version of Geometer’s Sketchpad for one of my math classes and I had a hard time using it. I found it not very user friendly at first. Once I got a hang of it, it was a little better. Geometer’s Sketchpad does have many benefits for visual learners but also needs to be a little bit more user friendly. Great job on your post!

Miss. Lupe Guillen said...

Elizabeth, I was very interested in all three of your emerging technologies because they have helped me to see that math, science, and technologies are all three very important topics that students need more help on. By viewing all three of your technologies, I have realized that all three are very helpful tool that can help not only the teacher, but also the students to better understand the concepts of math, science, and technology. I think all three of these choices are very helpful in creating good teaching concepts for future students.