Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Multiple Intelligences and Technology

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is a perspective that offers the theory that humans have multiple ways of learning. By teaching with the use of technology several if not all of these intelligences can be satisfied. For example, a child that has an intrapersonal intelligence can be very shy. For an intrapersonal intelligence any project that is presented to that child via the computer is more than satisfying to the child because the child can be independent and there is no need for the child to interact with other students.
A child that has a spatial intelligence is a visual learner. A child with this learning ability learns via pictures and images. By using technology and computers to present information and lessons or activities the child’s learning is facilitated. For example, if a child is presented with diagrams or told to make one for learning the life cycle of an insect their spatial intelligence is being satisfied.
By taking Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple intelligences into consideration for technology a teacher can design a lesson online that has some music for those with the musical intelligence. A lesson with a variety of pictures, diagrams, and charts for those who have a strength in the musical intelligence. With the use of interactive website a majority of these intelligences can be met.

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