Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blogs in Education

While searching “Educational blogs” in three different search engines I found that most of the results were similar. The search engines that I used were Yahoo, Google, and Ask. I felt like the search results were the same because most the keywords were the same and because there is only a limited amount of educational blogs then the results were all similar. Another main reason could be that since the keywords were broad there were more results, but if the search would have been a little more exact then the results may have been different and more limited.
Three innovative ways in which blogs can be used are digital storytelling. In a sense digital storytelling is using the web and multimedia to tell a story. The multimedia that would be used would be like graphics and audio. A second way that blogs are as a means of sharing lesson plans. Blogs are an excellent way to share lesson plans with other teachers that may be teaching the same lessons or grade level that you may be teaching. The third way that blogs are being used creatively are by posting the school or class newspaper online. This is definitely a creative way of getting students to use technology in the classroom.
Before beginning my search for aggregators and RSS readers I had no idea what these words meant. I came to realize that RSS was an acronym for Real Simple Syndication and that an aggregator which in a way can be a blog, but it also includes podcasts and news headlines. A class can have the ability to use aggregators and RSS readers to keep students and parents informed on what is going in the classroom. As well as to let parents know what assignments are due and other events that may be going on in the school.
Using blogs and RSS readers can be a new level of education. If this new educational tool is incorporated into the classroom the students are gaining a new level of experience. Blogging and RSS readers are most definitely way to get students to interact technologically. By using these, the students are going to become more advanced at using technology at a younger age and there may be more work outside work that can be assigned.
Two pros of using RSS readers and blogs in education are that we are that one we are teaching students how to use different kinds of tools and we are advancing their knowledge in technology. Another advantage would that it is making learning fun and different. In a way this type of teaching is more hands on and therefore the students may be actually understanding the material rather than just memorizing the material that is being taught. Two cons of using blogs and RSS readers are if the student does not know how to use computers or has a difficult time using them then the student may struggle on any assignments that may be assigned in this way. A second con could be for the teacher that is using the RSS readers or blogs. The teacher has to know well what they are posting and hope that there aren’t any technological errors. If any errors occur then the teacher must go back and fix it and any assignments that are due may have to be postponed.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

RE: Webquest!!

After discussing what a webquest is with a group we all came to the conclusion that it was somewhat like a lesson plan. Some of the activities that were presented on the webquests were grade level appropriate. There were times that if the actual cite is to be used by the students then it is somewhat difficult for the students depending on the grade level to complete the activity. Webquests are extremely useful especially when it comes to designing lessons. It is an excellent way of coming up with ideas for virtually any topic. It seemed that most of my group members agreed that it appears to be a little more difficult to create a webquest from all of the directions that were provided, but in all we all agreed that it is a good way to get students to learn interactivly while making learning a fun experience.

Multiple Intelligences and Technology

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is a perspective that offers the theory that humans have multiple ways of learning. By teaching with the use of technology several if not all of these intelligences can be satisfied. For example, a child that has an intrapersonal intelligence can be very shy. For an intrapersonal intelligence any project that is presented to that child via the computer is more than satisfying to the child because the child can be independent and there is no need for the child to interact with other students.
A child that has a spatial intelligence is a visual learner. A child with this learning ability learns via pictures and images. By using technology and computers to present information and lessons or activities the child’s learning is facilitated. For example, if a child is presented with diagrams or told to make one for learning the life cycle of an insect their spatial intelligence is being satisfied.
By taking Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple intelligences into consideration for technology a teacher can design a lesson online that has some music for those with the musical intelligence. A lesson with a variety of pictures, diagrams, and charts for those who have a strength in the musical intelligence. With the use of interactive website a majority of these intelligences can be met.