Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Distance Education

Virtual schools and their websites have been developed with the best intentions. The developers have made an attempt to try and facilitate the learning process from any other place that is not the school. Although this technology has been developed for a good purpose there are many advantages and disadbantages that go along with this type of education.

As time goes by, more and more online classes are being developed. Many students and parents are finding virtual schools to be really convenient. For example, the student has the ability to learn at their own pace. The student is given realistic deadlines that should be met and the student is free to determine how many hours of study the student would like to have. Another advantage is that the student is free to take the calss at anytime from any place. The student does not necessarily have to be present in a classroom and this offers flexibility for the student to take class at anytime that the student may have available. On-line classes can also at times be more hands on and interactive for students and therefore facilitate the learning process. For example, while teaching math there are simulations that students complete or games that help teach topics such as adding and multiplication. A final advantage, especially for younger children, is that the parent may be more incolved in their child's education. For example, while looking at www.wava.org the online program works with the parent as the teacher and the parent is involved in preparing the teaching materials for the child. The child has more time to spend with the parent rather than spending seven hourns out of the home in a school.

Although there are many advantages there are also many disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that the student is not allowed to hace as mych social interaction as he or she could have if they were in the traditional classroom. Another disdvantage is that there are subjects that are more hands on compared to others an example of this would be reading. Reading may be difficult to teach online without the proper tools. There are some online classes that are offered online that may be somewhat expensive for some students. Oregon Online School (coolschool.k12.or.us/) offers an online program that costs 295 dollars per student per semester for an Oregon resident and 345 dollars per student that is a non-Oregon resident. If a parent would really like to have their student obtain this type of education may be a financial burden. This is definitely the case, especially when there are public schools which are offered for free. It may even be expensive to begin with an online program if the family does not have the proper equipment. Distance learning can be fun and interactive, but if the student is not very teach savvy it may take time for them to learn the program used. This would then take time out of teaching the actual material that sould be taught, while attempting to teach the student how to use the technology needed. A final disadvantage is that the student may find that the course content, the online learning evironment, and managing the technology to be overwhelming, particularly if the student is moving from the traditional classroom to online classes.

It is difficult to determine whether a student is ready to participate in distance delivery. I think that the first step should be teaching the student how to manage this technology. I feel like this is a big part of virtual schools. By having the student know how to manage this technology the student does not have to waste time trying to figure out how to work it and instead could begin immediately on their course work. I think that a majority of the subjects can be taught online, it is just a matter of using the correct software and methods as well as the latest in technology cameras and microphones. I think that bein available for the student whenever the student needs help is another big factor. Virtual schools are the future to teaching and although there are some disadvantages, there are also some advantages that definitely outweigh them. Virtual schools are going to be used more and more especially as technology advances.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Emerging Technologies

As time goes by technology advances more and more. As technology advances so does it’s use. It is being used everywhere in different ways. Technology has become a great help especially when it comes to the classroom and education.

There are many programs and technologies that have been created to help facilitate the process of education as well as teaching. The three technologies that I looked at were found on
http://www.apple.com/education/k12. The apple website provided many different products for a large range of grade levels. This website also provided hyperlinks along with the products for in case anyone who was interested wanted to find out further information about the product.

The first program that I analyzed was Kid Pix Deluxe 3X by Software MacKiev. This software is made for elementary and middle school children. It helps reinforce creativity, spelling, word processing, keyboarding, inquiry and research, writing and organizational skills. This program allows for students to use technology to express themselves with drawings and the child is allowed to use mediums that look so real. It also allows for the student to animate.

The second technology that I looked it was the EarthBrowser by Lunar Software, Inc. This three-dimensional model of the earth allows students to learn about the earth. It gives students the opportunity to look at different things that occur on earth. For example, this product allows students to zoom in and out of earth because it uses satellite images. The student is able to explore clod animations, current weather conditions, volcano locations as well as earthquakes and storms to name a few.

The final product that I looked at was The Geometer’s Sketchpad 10-User Apple Mobile Lab Package by Key Curriculum Press. The Geometer’s Sketchpad software focuses on a variety of mathematical concepts. This software allows for a more hands on experience for students while investigating shapes as well as looking at the relationship and the consequences when they are manipulated. The Geometer’s Sketchpad can be used in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and calculus while illustrating shapes, figures, models, diagrams, and graphs.

These three emerging technologies are great supplements for teaching math, science and to enhance computer skills. I feel like these programs will allow for students to better understand the subjects that are being taught. These programs will definitely have a positive impact on any teaching that I may do while using these programs to reinforce what I teach.